Hoffmann, J.* & G. J. Colbeck. 2014. “Cold Loving Bacteria May Be Negatively Impacted By Climate Change.” (poster) National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Lexington KY, March 3-5, 2014.
Coria A.* 2014. “Interaction of RNA Binding Proteins with the Long-Noncoding RNA, SRA, an Estrogen Receptor Activator.” (poster) National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Lexington KY, March 3-5, 2014.
Kreutz, N.M.*, Wei, J. & G. J. Colbeck. 2014. “Predator Induced Phenotypic Plasticity, in Pseudacris Crucifer (Spring Peeper) Larvae.” (talk) National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Lexington KY, March 3-5, 2014.
Duncan R.*, Reichart L.M. & G. J. Colbeck. 2014. “Gene flow and Dispersal In Central U.S. Populations of Canis latrans.” (poster) National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Lexington KY, March 3-5, 2014.
Dang, T.*, Sprengel, H.* & G. J. Colbeck. 2015. “Capsaicin as a deterrent to songbird nest depredation.” (poster) National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Spokane WA, April 16-18, 2015.
Hoffmann, J.*, Hemann, Z.* & G. J. Colbeck. 2015. “Prevalence, species composition and potential fitness consequences of Bacillus sp. feather parasites on songbirds.” (poster) National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Spokane WA, April 16-18, 2015.
Graves, M.* & G. J. Colbeck. 2016. “ Evolutionary Ecology of Hot Peppers: Capsaicin promotes growth in a potential pathogen (brewer’s yeast).” (poster) Missouri Academy of Sciences. Jefferson City MO. April 22-23, 2016.
Hartnett S.*, Chambers-Colbeck C., & G.J. Colbeck. 2016. “Genetic Characterization of the Chickadee Hybrid Zone in St. Louis, MO - a moving hybrid zone leaves a cultural wake”. (poster) Missouri Academy of Sciences. Jefferson City MO. April 22-23, 2016.
Van Berkel, S.* & Colbeck G. J. 2017. Genetic Characterization of Fungal Samples from select Missouri and Illinois Caves: Implications for the distribution of Pseudogymnoascus destructans and white nose syndrome. (poster) National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Memphis TN. April 2017.
Wolk, A.*, Scrivner, M.*, Bolagani, N.* & Colbeck G. J. 2017. Testing Predictions about the Evolutionary Ecology of Capsaicin: Birds Might Not Like it Hot! (poster) National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Memphis TN. April 2017.
Bhuvanagiri, D.*, McCauley, S*, Croon, R*, Colbeck, G. J. & Chambers-Colbeck, C. 2018. The Physics of Flight: Small Songbirds use Larger Wings to Fly Faster. (poster) Maryville Student Research & Scholarship Day. St. Louis, MO. April 2018.
Ruzicka, Kristin* & Colbeck, Gabriel J. 2019. Design and Construction of a Rainwater Filtration (Raingarden) System Under Partial-Sun Conditions. Maryville University Research & Scholarship Day. Poster. St. Louis, MO. April 2019.
Kolb, Katrese* & Colbeck, Gabriel J. 2019. Causes and Consequences of Climate Change and Flooding on the Meramec River (Missouri). Maryville University Research & Scholarship Day. Poster. St. Louis, MO. April 2019.
Colbeck, G.J., M.S. Webster, P.P. Marra and H.L. Gibbs. 2008. “Phylogeography of a widespread North American migratory songbird (Setophaga ruticilla): isolation by distance and evidence for an Atlantic coastal shelf Pleistocene refugium.” Journal of Heredity. 99: 453-463.
Durrant, K.L., P.P. Marra, S.M. Fallon, G.J. Colbeck, H.L. Gibbs, K.A. Hobson, D.R. Norris, B. Bernik, V.L. Lloyd and R.C. Fleischer. 2008. “Parasite assemblages distinguish populations of a migratory passerine on its breeding grounds.” Journal of Zoology. 274: 318-326.
Colbeck, G.J., T.S. Sillett and M.S. Webster. 2010. “Asymmetric discrimination of geographical variation in song in a migratory passerine.” Animal Behaviour. 80: 311-318.
Maltais, E., G. Daigle, G.J. Colbeck and J.J. Dodson. 2010. “Spawning dynamics of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the St. Lawrence River, Canada-USA.” Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 19: 586-594.
Colbeck, G.J., J. Turgeon, P. Sirois and J.J. Dodson. 2011. “Historical introgression and the role of selective vs neutral processes in structuring nuclear genetic variation (AFLP) in a circumpolar marine fish, the capelin (Mallotus villosus).” Molecular Ecology. 20: 1976-1987.
Turgeon, J., Duchesne, P., Colbeck G. J., Postma, L. D. and Hammill M. O. 2012. Spatiotemporal segregation among summer stocks of beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) despite nuclear gene flow: implications for the endangered belugas in eastern Hudson Bay (Canada). Conservation Genetics. 13: 419-433.
Colbeck, G. J., Duchesne, P., Postma, L. D., Lesage, V., Hammill, M. O. and J. T. Turgeon. 2013. Groups of related belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) travel together during their seasonal migrations in and around Hudson Bay. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series B. 280: 20122552