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I am a champion of active learning, sustainability and student-centered independent research. I teach courses like Conservation Biology, Genetics and Evolution, and my students do research on hot peppers, bird feathers & bacteria and sustainable gardening (among many other topics). Feel free to contact me if you have any questions -
Active Learning Ecosystems: Course & Curriculum Design and Implementation
Student-Centered Independent Research: Student Supervision and Institutional Promotion and Support
Sustainability: Environmental & Institutional
Speciation & Evolutionary Ecology
Behavioral Ecology & Sexual Selection
Sensory Ecology & Bird Song
Field Ornithology
Colbeck, G.J. 2015. "Tools for increasing participation among underrepresented students in Higher ed - The virtual undergraduate research symposium." (Talk) National Council for Undergraduate Research Conference. Spokane WA, April 16-18, 2015.
Colbeck, G.J. & C. Chambers-Colbeck. 2016. “Characterizing Secondary Contact in Studies of Speciation - Using data from a single sample to make inferences about the state of gene flow.” (Talk) Missouri Academy of Sciences. Jefferson City MO, April 22-23 2016.
Chambers-Colbeck C. & Gabriel J. Colbeck. 2017. “Using Interactive, Online Whiteboards to Maximize Student Engagement and Content Retention.” (Talk) Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference. St. Louis MO, September 2017.
Colbeck, G.J. & Alastair Pringle. 2019. “The Human Race - Genomic Insights into Recent Human Ancestry.” (Talk) Maryville University Perspectives Week - Focus on Diversity. St. Louis MO, May 13-17, 2019.
Chambers-Colbeck C. & Gabriel J. Colbeck. 2019. “Getting Students to Engage in Course Material Before Class: How to Make the Most of Classtime.” (Talk) Maryville University Perspectives Week - Focus on Active Learning Ecosystems. St. Louis MO, May 13-17, 2019.
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